
Showing posts from August, 2023

What Would've Happened If Shadow Permanently Died in SA2

 First off, the world of Sonic would be vastly different without Shadow. At the end of SA2 ( Sonic Adventure 2 ), Super Shadow exerted most of his energy to help Super Sonic defeat Biolizard and use Chaos Control to teleport the ARK a safe distance from Earth. But in doing so, he became exhausted and plummeted to Earth, whispering words to Maria, and then vanished. Sonic returns to his friends, explaining that Shadow sacrificed himself for the good of mankind. In the end, Sonic says to the camera, "Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog," walks away, and the screen fades to black. For Sonic fans who've grown up playing the games that came after SA2 (including myself), this is a strange concept: gamers who were on the Sonic journey when SA2 released saw Shadow "die" and the game end. There was no promise of another Sonic game yet. There was no allusion to Shadow's survival. Thus, everyone thought Shadow was permanently dead, a one-game-only character who made a lastin