
Sonic Movie 3: What to Hope for, and What to Expect

Last year, I put out a post about what to expect from Sonic Movie 3. But... that was also last year. A lot has changed, and now there's a lot more info in about Sonic 3. But if one thing is certain about Sonic 3, it's that Shadow will be gritty. Sonic will have a tougher time facing his enemies than he did in Sonic 2. And Maria WILL DIE. While I've heard some argue that Sonic 3 won't stick to the letter of SA2 ("Sonic Adventure 2"), I'm hopeful that it does... to a point, of course. SA2 could easily make a great movie in itself. And while Sonic Movie 1 was exactly like NO Sonic game (I think the video game movies of circa 2020 all had very similar "trying to be original and make it like a realistic movie, not a video game" vibes), Sonic 2 had much more distinct callbacks to all of the very first Sonic games and SA1. Given that they got the most famous early games taken care of in that movie, what's to stop them from making several callbacks

The Knuckles Series: So Much Potential. So Much Wasted.

Diehard Sonic fans are fully aware of how SEGA and Paramount Pictures tortured us with absolutely no hype, no trailers, no "leaked" secrets, no NOTHING for way too long. Many of us wondered if their claims a "Knuckles" show was happening were even coming to pass. A release date came along (without a teaser), and everyone waited on pins and needles... then the writers' strike happened, and the release date got pushed back, further making us wonder... is "Knuckles" really gonna happen? Then it happened. The trailer came out. And the Sonic world exploded. Hype reigned supreme. Chief Pachacamac from "Sonic Adventure" flashed onscreen at one point, and a mysterious mech that some of us (myself included) got Enerjak vibes from. (This notion was quickly shut down by other fans.) The Knuckles-Wade dynamic sounded promising, like an The release date was cemented. We were finally satisfied with the appetizer. Now all that remained was for the series to

What Would've Happened If Shadow Permanently Died in SA2

 First off, the world of Sonic would be vastly different without Shadow. At the end of SA2 ( Sonic Adventure 2 ), Super Shadow exerted most of his energy to help Super Sonic defeat Biolizard and use Chaos Control to teleport the ARK a safe distance from Earth. But in doing so, he became exhausted and plummeted to Earth, whispering words to Maria, and then vanished. Sonic returns to his friends, explaining that Shadow sacrificed himself for the good of mankind. In the end, Sonic says to the camera, "Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog," walks away, and the screen fades to black. For Sonic fans who've grown up playing the games that came after SA2 (including myself), this is a strange concept: gamers who were on the Sonic journey when SA2 released saw Shadow "die" and the game end. There was no promise of another Sonic game yet. There was no allusion to Shadow's survival. Thus, everyone thought Shadow was permanently dead, a one-game-only character who made a lastin

Chaos Sonic: The New Metal Sonic Everyone... Likes?

When the trailer for season 2 of Sonic Prime debuted, fans were not fond of the new design for Metal Sonic. He looked slimmer and sleeker--far less like his original, menacing design. And with a screen for a face (or entire head, actually), he was cuter and wore more vivid emotions. While there were some similarities to the original design, they were scarce, and fans were not fond of the new design. Then season 2 debuted and everyone watched. Everyone saw Metal Sonic--ahem, excuse me, Chaos Sonic. Everyone stared as he battled and beat up Sonic, raced effortlessly, and would. Not. SHUT. UP . Chaos Sonic is snarky. Arrogant. Spiteful. Playful. Loves to hear himself talk. If you take some of Eggman's self-importance, a little bit of Surge's snappishness, some of Shadow's "you're-the-fake" POV, too much of Sonic's attitude, and some girly excitement, wrap all that in an expressive robot, you've got Chaos Sonic. In fact, I realized Chaos Sonic's attit

Charmy Bee is Subtly Fading from the Sonic-Verse

Charmy Bee is the youngest member of the Chaotix and one of the youngest characters in the Sonic cast. He's been around for a surprisingly long time (debuting alongside the Chaotix in Knuckles' Chaotix waaaay back), but he's never had a serious character at all. Some might wonder how the Chaotix does anything with a bee child buzzing and somersaulting and shouting around them all the time! Charmy is a generally useless character with an overly hyper personality, which leads many fans to dislike his character, or at least tolerate it. He's the one character who is a young child and acts his age; while Cream is very ladylike for a child, and Tails' genius and experience quickly matured him, Charmy has the mind of the 6-year-old he is. And in a cast of serious heroes, determined detectives, and noble girls, a disruptive little kid doesn't really fit in. In the current IDW Sonic The Hedgehog comic series, Vector and Espio often exchange glances as if they know the

Review: "The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog"

  This artsy scroll-and-click PC game requires little real “playing.” But that doesn’t make it a worthless game. In fact, it just may be one of the best. The story starts like this. It’s Amy Rose’s birthday, and what’s a girl gonna do? Ever extravagant, she hosts a murder mystery party aboard the luxury train, the Mirage Express! “Mirage” is a fitting name—nothing is really what it seems once it takes off. And when the train begins hurtling strangely fast, everyone is knocked out; when they wake, Sonic is apparently “murdered.” They think the game has begun, but a train employee thinks otherwise… Sonic looks severely wounded. In fact, he’s actually been… killed ?! How is this possible? This was supposed to be only a game! Well, it’s not a game anymore. Time to discover whodunit . The player is not one of our regular cast, however, but the brand new employee whose first day on the job happens to be while Amy hosts her party. You get to choose the name of this swe

The Biggest Plot Holes of "Sonic '06"

"Sonic The Hedgehog"--aka Sonic '06 (because this particular title released in 2006)--is notorious for being the, quote en quote, "worst Sonic game in history." Sonic Team got split into several groups to work on other games, such as "Sonic Unleashed," which left a tiny group to finish Sonic '06. Because of the deadline looming over so few people, they had to release the game quickly. Which meant bugs were never fixed, items that didn't function were not taken out of the game entirely, glitches abounded, and... oh, those loading screens. Those infamously long loading screens. And the problems only hurt more because Sonic '06 had been hyped as a great game while it was in production, only to be the exact opposite upon release. But glitchy game or not, there's one thing that Sonic Team never could've repaired no matter the amount of people working on it: the storyline. Don't get me wrong; the Sonic '06 storyline isn't a b